It’s safe to say that Frymaster knows a thing or two about a great commercial deep fryer.
After all, the company’s Master Jet Pro Series Fryer has been the most popular unit in Australia for 30 years and counting! The team at Frymaster are consistently innovating, and reaching new heights that will make each fryer better than the last. A huge part of this continued innovation is filtration, which can have an immense impact on the efficiency of a commercial kitchen.
To make sure that every one of their machines operates in the most effective way possible, Frymaster came up with the FootPrint PRO Filtration System, and in this article, we’ll take a closer look at how this works and why it is important.
The FootPrint system gives you more space and a combined unit that can fry and filter.
The FootPrint PRO Filtration System
Like all filtration systems, the essential purpose of the FootPrint PRO system is to reduce operating expenses. What sets it apart, though, is the fact that this is achieved in more ways than simply extending the life of oil.
The key is in the name, with the filtration system sitting beneath the fryer and having absolutely no impact on the overall footprint of the fryer. This makes a massive difference, allowing for more fryers to be packed into a small area, which in turn will increase your output and improve revenue.
The system is available in configurations of two or more fryers. This allows businesses to invest in a size that perfectly suits their production needs, without having to make any compromises on floor space or food preparation speed.
The FootPrint Pro Filtration System makes no difference to the unit’s size.
How does it work
So, what about the filtering itself? Well, the system drains via gravity, again reducing operating costs by eliminating the need for an electronic process. After service, all you’ll need to do is turn off the fryer, open the drain valve and start the pump. That’s it, and when everything is running smoothly, the system can filter over 25 litres of oil in just three minutes. That’s the best commercial kitchen equipment on the market.
Another important feature is that the system is easy to use, requiring no special training to understand. This takes the pressure of filtering off kitchen staff and lets them focus on the important business of preparing great food.
To find out more about Frymaster or the FootPrint PRO Filtration System, contact us by filling in the form today.